Welcome to our children's ministry
We believe children are precious, and we're committed to partnering with you in raising them to know and love Jesus.
Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me."
Family Worship
Children and Youth stay in church for the 10am service. Colouring sheets and puzzles are available for those in primary school. Part of each service contains song / talk / media with our young people particularly in mind.

Babies Room
We love having the little ones in the worship service with us, though we also have a soundproof room so that nursing mums can comfortably remain in the service.

Creating Safe Spaces
We are committed to ensuring that we provide a safe environment for our kids. All our leaders and helpers complete the Creating Safe Spaces training endorsed by the National Council of Churches in Australia's Safe Church Training Agreement.
Jesus and Me (JAM)
- currently in recess.
JAM is for primary school aged kids (K-6) and runs during the Sunday morning service (during the school term). The focus is on learning about Jesus through the Bible. It includes games, craft, singing, discussion and prayer.

Club J
- currently in recess.
This is a full-day program for primary school aged kids (K-6) that runs on pupil-free days (9am-4pm). The kids enjoy learning about Jesus and what it means to be part of his club. It includes games, craft, singing, bible stories and discussion. Bookings are essential and there is a small charge to help cover costs.